Share your blessings or request a need to the body.
We believe that the church is meant to care for one another in every season of life. Whether you are thriving or struggling to make ends meet, please consider how you can support your brother or sister in Christ. Review this page for some ideas of what that might look like today.

We invite you to prayerfully consider expressing your generosity in a radical way through our Blessing Board. Here you can find items or services that you can bless others with and submit a request or need you may have, which can be filled by the body.
Transportation to appointments
Visits for shut-ins
Minor mechanic work/advice
Minor welding repairs
Minor home repairs / plumbing
Help moving
Furniture Appliances Groceries
Vehicles Clothing Gift Cards
Questions? Email Elvia Astredo

Online giving has helped us stay afloat during COVID-19 and has allowed us to bless others during this challenging season. To give online with a credit/debit card or bank account click the button below. Or you can text "GIVE" to (813) 228-5204 and follow the prompts.
During our weekend services at CrossPoint, we share in a time of giving together by passing baskets or we offer giving boxes for your convenience and security. You can make your gifts in person using cash, checks, or debit/credit cards.