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Learn and grow with us!

Throughout the year our leaders head up groups to provide an opportunity to study Scripture in community. These groups allow us to go deeper into the text, develop personal relationships in the body, and pray together. We launch new Growth Groups each quarter, so stay tuned for new groups you can join. Our next groups will launch in May of 2024. 

Image by Debby Hudson

Below you'll see a complete list of our upcoming Summer 2024 growth groups.



Sunday Morning Growth Group
Sunday Mornings from 10:30am - 11:45 am 

This Growth Group will begin on Sunday, January 5th to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person, meeting at CrossPoint
Study: The Story

“The Story”

This study of the God’s Word will utilize an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. There are no verse references, and Scripture segments are seamlessly woven together with transition text into a single grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily.

New Christians Growth Group
Sunday Mornings from 10:30am - 12:00 pm 

This Growth Group will begin on Sunday, January 12th to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person, meeting at CrossPoint
Study: New Christian's Group

New Christian's Group

As a new Christian or someone seeking God, it's important to establish a firm foundation based on biblical principles.  This class will cover a variety of basic topics such as: Where do I begin in seeking a relationship with God?  What is a Christian or disciple? Why is the Bible important in the life of a Christian and how do I use it?  Do I belong to a church or am I the church? And so much more....... 

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Orozco Sr Growth Group (Spanish)
Sunday Mornings from 12:00pm - 1:00 pm 

This Spanish Growth Group will begin on Sunday, January 12th to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person, meeting at CrossPoint
Study: El Evangelio según Juan

El Evangelio según Juan

Este grupo examinará la vida y las enseñanzas de Jesús tal como se presentan en el cuarto Evangelio. Exploraremos temas clave, eventos y mensajes, adquiriendo una clara comprensión de la perspectiva única de Juan sobre la misión y la identidad de Jesús.

Moran Growth Group
Tuesday Evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30 pm 

This Growth Group will begin on Tuesday, January 14th to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person in Whittier 
Study: The Life of Christ

The Life of Christ

We will be studying major events of the life of Christ including the Incarnation, the calling of the Disciples, the miracles, the events leading up to the crucifixion, the crucifixion and resurrection and many many others. (We will be using an online curriculum that requires registration and a $70 fee).

Pena Growth Group
Wednesday Evenings from 8:00pm - 9:30 pm 

This Growth Group will begin on Wednesday, January 8th to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: Online
Study: Do you speak Christianese?

Do you speak Christianese?

Christians often use words like Justification, Sanctification, Redemption, forgiveness and Born again, just to name a few.   But what do those words mean and why should they matter to you?   Our Wednesday night Growth Group will do a deep dive into the meaning of these words and what God expects from you in your walk with Him.  This is a great class for new believers and lifelong Christians alike.  But be prepared to be challenged in your walk and commitment to Godliness.  

Robles Growth Group
Thursday Evenings from 6:30pm - 8:00 pm 

This Growth Group will begin on Thursday, January 2nd to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person in Montebello
Study: The Book of Ecclesiastes

The Book of Ecclesiastes

We will be studying the many questions relating to life from the perspective of who many consider to be the wisest man and analyze his conclusions. 

Doolittle Growth Group
Thursday Evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30 pm 

This Growth Group will begin on Thursday, January 2nd to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person in Whittier
Study: The Story

The Story

This study of the God’s Word will utilize an abridged, chronological Bible that reads like a novel. There are no verse references, and Scripture segments are seamlessly woven together with transition text into a single grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by the unabridged Bible, The Story helps people understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily.

Women's Growth Group
Friday Evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30 pm 

This Growth Group will begin on Friday, January 17th to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person at CrossPoint
Study: Courageous Influence

Courageous Influence

We will explore how salvation through Christ changes every part of our life and leads others toward Him. In this six-week study for women, discover what the Bible has to say about integrity, understanding the impact of your story, and how you can be generous and intentional with your time. Books will be available upon request. No charge.

Men's Growth Group
Friday Evenings from 7:00pm - 8:30 pm 

This Men's Growth Group meets Friday evenings to study, fellowship, and develop stronger ties within the body of believers.


Format: In-person at CrossPoint
Study: Life Lessons from the Books of 1st & 2nd Timothy and Titus

Life Lessons from the Books of 1st & 2nd Timothy and Titus

These books are letters from Paul offering guidance to church leaders. They emphasize sound doctrine, ethical conduct, and effective church management. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the faith and organization of early Christian communities.  This group will be reading through these books, verse by verse, and using Max Lucado book, “Life Lessons from the Books of 1st & 2nd Timothy and Titus” to answer questions, dig deeper, and get to know each other as men.


Do you have questions about joining a Growth Group or can't find a night that will work with your schedule? Email us and we will get you in touch with the right ministry leader so you can start learning and growing with us.

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